
Bringing context and a balanced narrative to Africa's story by shedding light on world history in relation to Africa in a holistic, encompassing way.

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Emperor Haile Selassie

Emperor Selassie: A Legacy Of Sovereignty And Progress The year was 1935, Benito Mussolini’s Italy, armed with modern weaponry and a hunger for empire, invaded Ethiopia, a lighthouse of sovereignty and pride in Africa.


Nelson Mandela

Mandela: The Conscience Of A Nation- Apartheid, a word that translates to 'apartness' in Afrikaans, was far more than a mere political policy. It was a dark shadow that fell over South Africa.


Paul Kagame

Embodiment Of Valor And Champion Of Unity Paul Kagame was only two years old when his family was forced to flee Rwanda, seeking refuge in nearby Uganda.


Amílcar Cabral

A Name Foretold, A Legacy Forged- Who needs a guide in the calm serenity of a manicured garden? Who needs a lighthouse on a sunlit, cloudless day? We don’t look up to leaders for strolls in blissful gardens or to merely uphold the old ways. We look to them when the forest ahead...


Sir Seretse Khama

Khama: Africa's Quintessential Statesman From the cobalt and lithium that power our smartphones and electric cars to the diamonds that symbolise love and luxury, Africa's resources are integral to our modern lifestyle.


Thomas Sankara

Indelible Footprints In the Sands of Time- In the golden sands of West Africa, tales of heroes are passed down through generations. But amidst these legends, one story stands out, shimmering with unparalleled brilliance—the meteoric rise of Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara, the upright man.

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