Bella: A Lifetime In The Arena

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A Level Playing Field

Within the rugged beauty of the Oran region of colonial Algeria, Ahmed Ben Bella was born. Historians, threading together the fragments of the past, have come to agree on 1916 as the year that marked the beginning of his very eventful life. Born into a family that cultivated resilience as much as they did their land, Ben Bella grew up in an environment where the struggle against colonial subjugation was a part of daily life. His father was a modest farmer, and his mother, a pillar of strength and wisdom. 

As a young boy, Ahmed found an escape and semblance of equal opportunity on the football fields of his hometown. It was in these fields that his passion for soccer and leadership first came to light. Playing for local teams in Maghnia, he not only sharpened his athletic abilities but also nurtured his skills in teamwork, strategic thinking, and leadership. Football had come to hold a place of pride and passion for him. His hard work and talent eventually paid off. Soon, he moved up to play for bigger teams, starting an exciting journey in sports. Scouts from far and wide took notice of his talent, eventually leading him to France, where he proudly wore the Olympique de Marseille jersey during the 1939-1940 season.

In a match that would become a part of football history, Ben Bella and his teammates faced FC Antibes in a French Cup match. The game unfolded as a riveting spectacle of unyielding determination and skill, culminating in a resounding 9-1 triumph for Marseille; with Ben Bella himself scoring a goal. It was as if fate had dealt its most favourable hand for the young Ben Bella, propelling him from the humble beginnings of a farmer's son in colonial Algeria to the heights of football stardom.

The aftermath of his triumphant performance was a true test of conviction. Club officials, impressed by his undeniable talent, extended an offer. It was an invitation to ascend to the zenith of football glory— a professional spot on the team.

Yet, for Ben Bella, football was not the destination but a chapter in the larger scope of his life. He declined the offer, stepping away from the precipice of professional football stardom.

The Troubling Paradox

As the shadows of the Second World War darkened the globe, Ahmed Ben Bella stepped into a vastly different arena. Like many young men of his generation, he answered the call to serve in the army. His transition from a celebrated athlete to a soldier in the French military marked the beginning of a profound chapter in his life, a chapter that would forever alter his path and kindle the flames of a revolutionary spirit within him. In this new role, his agility, strategic thinking, and leadership skills were tested in a context far removed from the cheers and chants of the sport he loved. The game had changed and the stakes were life and death.

He fought not only for the survival of those around him but also for the ideals of freedom and justice.

Amidst the chaos of combat, the explosions that tore through the air, and battlefields that spanned from the rolling hills of France to the rugged terrain of Italy, Ben Bella displayed valour and competence. His actions in the heat of battle, under direst circumstances, were emblematic of a profound bravery. He fought not only for the survival of those around him but also for the ideals of freedom and justice that the Allied forces championed. This gallantry did not go unnoticed. The French military, recognizing his exceptional courage and leadership, bestowed upon him several honours, including the prestigious Croix de Guerre—a medal awarded for acts of heroism involving combat with enemy forces.

"Yes, my life is a life of combat; I can say that this has never stopped for a single instant. It is a combat that started for me at the age of 16. I'm 90 years old now, and my motivation hasn't changed; it's the same fervour that drives me". - Ahmed Ben Bella
"The paradox of Ben Bella’s situation was that; here was a man, fighting valiantly for a nation that denied his own people their fundamental rights— a bitter irony his consciousness could not ignore". - Ahmed Ben Bella

Witnessing the sacrifices of soldiers from across the globe, many from colonised nations like his own, fighting for a freedom they were denied at home, became increasingly difficult to reconcile. The very principles of liberty and equality that he fought for in Europe laid bare the hypocrisy of the colonial system. These experiences and contradictions he faced in the French military imbued him with a clarity of purpose and a relentless drive to fight for Algeria's independence. The battlefields of World War II had become the crucible for the awakening of Ben Bella's political consciousness.

The Algerian War Of Independence

Algeria, under the suffocating grip of colonial rule, was a nation on the brink of an uprising, and Ben Bella was poised to become one of its most pivotal architects. As the winds of change swept through the post-World War II era, Ahmed Ben Bella, marked by the scars of battle and the medals of valour, turned his gaze towards his homeland, Algeria. The same spirit of excellence and commitment that had guided him on the football fields and through the theatres of war now ignited a fiercer flame within him—a flame for Algerian independence.

Ben Bella understood the power of unity, the strength of a people united under the banner of freedom, justice, and self-determination. As one of the founding members of the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN), he together with his comrades orchestrated a campaign of resistance that was both bold and calculated.

On the night of November 1, 1954, the FLN launched a series of attacks across Algeria against French colonial forces, marking the beginning of a brutal, protracted struggle for independence. These attacks were not merely acts of defiance but a declaration that the Algerian people would no longer live in chains. The French response was brutal, and the war escalated into a vicious cycle of violence and repression.

In 1956, in an audacious breach of international law, Ben Bella was captured by French forces while in transit. This imprisonment would not only test his resolve but also galvanise international support for Algeria's fight for sovereignty. Imprisoned but unbroken, Ben Bella continued to inspire his compatriots from behind bars. His imprisonment became a rallying cry for Algerians and a point of international pressure on France.

The cost for liberation, it seemed, was steep, yet Ben Bella and the FLN pressed on.

The war of independence was gruelling, marred with sacrifices, bloodshed, and the heartbreaking toll of war on the Algerian populace. The cost for liberation, it seemed, was steep, yet Ben Bella and the FLN pressed on, fueled by the collective vision of a free Algeria.

"My life has been a bit special, this is true. I participated in the liberation of my country. I was one of the organisers of its struggle for liberation. I likewise actively participated in all the struggles for liberation". - Ahmed Ben Bella

Dying Empty

The relentless struggle of the Algerian people, coupled with the diplomatic pressures exerted on the global stage, eventually led Algeria’s colonial oppressors to the negotiating table. The Evian Accords of 1962 marked the end of 132 years of French rule, heralding a new era for Algeria. Upon Algeria's hard-won independence, Ben Bella emerged from the darkness of his prison cell into the dawn of a new chapter in his life and that of his beloved homeland, Algeria.

In the wake of independence, Algeria was a nation in ruins, its social fabric torn by years of conflict. It was within this context that Ben Bella ascended to the presidency in 1963, elected by the National Assembly. As president, Ben Bella sought to weave the fabric of a nation torn by colonialism and war. His policies mirrored his revolutionary zeal—land reforms to dismantle feudal structures, nationalisation to reclaim Algerian wealth, and social programs to heal a fragmented society. He sought to position Algeria as a key player on the international stage, championing the cause of non-alignment and lending support to liberation movements across Africa and the Arab world. His leadership during this period was a delicate balancing act of navigating the complexities of post-independence politics, internal dissent, and the challenges of economic reconstruction.

"We have no right to think of filling our bellies when our brothers are still dying in Angola, Mozambique, and South Africa". - Ahmed Ben Bella

The spirit of excellence coupled with courage and resilience was the hallmark of Ben Bella’s 95 years—a life not just long in years but monumental in achievements and legacy. From the vibrant football pitches where he first displayed unmatched zeal and leadership, through the brutal trenches of World War II that honed his determination into the heart of Algeria's fervent struggle for independence; he endured arrest after arrest, dodging death from assassination attempts, and steering the then nascent nation through its infancy with visionary might.

Ahmed Ben Bella’s life accurately resonates with the echoes of a life truly lived. He died "empty" in the sense that he had given all he had to the causes he believed in, leaving behind a world significantly different from the one he was born into—a world he had helped to shape through his courage, vision, and relentless, purposeful pursuits.

His life is a true testament that progress comes not from wishing, but from what we contribute to the greater good, from the risks we take, from getting our hands dirty and from the challenges we embrace, in the service of something far greater than ourselves.

Few Great Sources

  • Archive - Tourisme Marseille: Ahmed Ben Bella 
  • Encyclopedia Britannica - Ahmed Ben Bella
  • Wikipedia - Ahmed Ben Bella
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